Hej, Hejsan, Hallå!
How are you all?
Urck, anyone else had enough of January. I am so over it now! This is a very depressing month as a shop owner. Sales drop like a stock market crash, some days the only sales we have are not sales but returns and refunds which are just sole destroying. I understand why shops close in January, I think that will be our future. Head abroad to a sunny happy place instead.
In January you hear the words, dry, vegan, gym, diet, declutter and of course no-spend January. We shop owners do our best to stay positive, it is just January and it will soon be over. We head to trade fairs to find jolly and happy designs for Spring and Summer, we network with fellow shop owners, agents and suppliers. We listen to retail experts and trying to adapt fresh ideas, we follow trends and eagerly await the colour of the season. All to stay positive.
Now trade fairs is what normally gave me a energy boost when the shop was so quiet that I had anxiety and did not sleep well. Top Drawer has always been my favourite, great atmosphere and wonderful people to chat with. But this year Top Drawer was postpone, and so was Scotland Trade Fair. Formex in Sweden was one of many trade fairs that was cancelled.
This year is our first year without a physical shop, last January we were in lockdown but was hoping we could open the shop for a closing down sale. Online is a very different way of retail, I am sure you have heard me say it about a million times. However there is always something to do and this January I have organised the warehouse, counted stock and trying to work out a future for the online shop. I do have a vision! A great vision what I want to do with the online shop and how to run it so now I shall sit down and get vision board sorted. I read somewhere that businesses with clear vision boards are x% more likely to survive and as 2020/2021 was our trial years, 2022 will be our doing year. It is time to invest and move forward. And I love a good mood-board!
Now first of all, what would you like to see in the shop this year? More colours? More gifts, less home? More home, less gifts? Less colours? More sustainable designs? Special brands?
Personally I am not a great fan of a minimalist home style with expensive brands. I love small brands, brands that want to make a change, family business where you become a part of the team. Designs you can really feel the love behind, not just another design mass produced for the season or nicked from a small business to add to their gigantic catalogue. Buying is by far my favourite part of being a shop owner. I love it, I love finding new designs, I love how a design can make me feel. Happiness and inner joy!
Top Drawer will take place in February but as I will be working as an agent there I will not see as much as I normally do, but hopefully I will get a few hours to catch up and hunt for new Spektakulär treats.
So time to say see ya January and hello February! Time to add colours and joy to the webshop! What do you think about these wool flowers by Aveva Design. Called Endless as they last forever! Let me know and I add them to my next Aveva order.
Charlotte x