Hej, Hejsan, Hallå!
Just because gifts, what even is that you ask?
When we give gifts to people it is often because of a situation, instantly I think of birthdays, Christmas, weddings, new homes etc...
But what about a spontaneous gift, completely out of the blue? Working in retail as long as I have "Just Because" gifts have always been my favourite. I remember a wonderfully chatty lady in the shop, we had a good chat and suddenly she saw a design and went; "oh that would be perfect for my friend, oh I am just gonna get it!" I gift wrapped it and she left feeling so happy she found something for a lovely friend and it was not for a special occasion. She was shining and I could not stop smiling and still think about that moment today!
To give gifts should feel lovely, it should not feel like a must, it should not be stressful... but with todays world and todays financial situation, gifts is one thing we might cut, especially the just because gifts.
It is a shame, as believe it or not spontaneous gifts are important. There are big benefits to give unexpected, we build connections, it makes us feel good and to receive an expected gift do really feel brilliant!
I think the best gifts to give are the ones you just see out of the blue and think about a person, these are not really gifts we spend a lot of time thinking about, they just happen. It could be flowers from our garden that really makes our neighbour happy, or a homemade apple pie as we have millions of apples in our garden. Or it could be just a card, or even paying for a cup of coffee for the person behind you in the queue! Or maybe you are thinking about a friend and is searching the web and came across us... I have created a Just Because Gifts online with designs that makes me smile! Take a look!
Maybe today, just give that person you have been thinking about a little call, send a message or pop over with a cake and just say hi. We all love unexpected treats and it is good for our souls.
Have a lovely Sunday
Charlotte xx