Summer feelings and FIKA

Summer feelings and FIKA

Hej, Hejsan, Hallå!
I got that summer feeling, the urge to jump in a lake and go for a swim, to cycle on dirt roads and pick wild strawberries. To bake summer berry pies and enjoy coffee on the veranda early in the mornings.
Yup I am longing to go home to Sweden, to enjoy childhood memories and create new ones. I have not realised how lucky I am to have the opportunity to pack our bags and fly home. To spend weeks of doing nothing, my goal is to find our own place in Sweden. A classic summer house, our place we can make ours and travel to whenever, we all need something to work towards and yes that is mine. 
So what are you planning to do this summer? Have you planned a busy one, or just a chilled one, summer what summer you might say?! Well whatever your plans are please do make them enjoyable and please do make sure you take a FIKA break now and then. 
Sit down and take five minutes away from your screen with a coffee/tea/whatevermakesyourhappy and just look around you. I love a FIKA and watching people. Everyone is always rushing and it is nice to just be and enjoy the calm and I think that is why FIKA is such a big thing. Just stop, enjoy five minutes and if you can enjoy a cake as well you are winning and then continue. 
Muurla Dahlia Chopping & Serving Board
In our summer clearance sale I have added the last few FIKA mugs, bowls and take away cups. But there is so much more online, such as trays, Scandi bakingbooks, teatowels, everything you need for a FIKA time. 
Thank you for exploring the sale at the moment, I am still adding designs daily as we are planning to visit a few of my suppliers this summer and find new exciting designs for the Autumn. 
This week the oldest girl is having her introduction week to High School, oh wow what happen to my little baby, all grown up and I bet you that in two years time she will be taller than me...
Have a wonderful week
Charlotte x
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